Monday, January 23, 2023

Part 2: Essentials / Specialized Aesthetic Procedures



Original source: Facebook business page of Dr. Paul Dreschnack

More formally known as BRACHIOPLASTY, this type of cosmetic surgery treats sagging underarms by reducing extra skin, tightening and smoothing tissue, and removing extra fat. This can make your upper arms look more toned and defined.  Aging and genetics both play a role in the development of sagging skin. You might also be left with extra skin after losing a lot of weight. Regardless of what’s causing your sagging skin, there are several things to keep in mind when considering an arm lift.

“Liquid facelifts” involve dermal injections to the face. These fillers plump up the skin, reducing lines and sagging.  *See L-Image (before and after). You can see a significant change in the skin and the youthfulness our dermal fillers can provide.  A convenient, non-surgical method that’s right for you!  The procedure can be performed in your dermatologist’s or plastic surgeon’s office.  It usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes and can be done in one session. You don’t need to take any time off work as it requires very little recovery time.

More patients are opting for a little-know procedure: belly button plastic surgery. It's done with every tummy tuck. The procedure involves the reshaping of the umbilicus (that's the belly button), Usually, umbilicoplasty is included in tummy tucks because that surgery involves so much skin removal that a new belly button has to be created.  However, some people often seek out belly button surgery on its own because they have an unwanted outie or dislike their belly button's current shape. Others undergo the procedure to help tighten a belly button that was stretched due to weight gain or pregnancy. People may also get belly button surgery if they have a prior belly button piercing that got infected or a bad scar from a prior tummy tuck. What's more, there's a specific belly button shape that our patients desire most. An “innie” with a narrow vertical shape and a "hood" at the top is considered most aesthetically pleasing.

The results of liposuction can be long lasting, provided you maintain a stable weight and general fitness.  Your improved body contour will be apparent when the swelling and fluid retention commonly experienced following liposuction subside. As your body ages, it is natural to lose some firmness, but most of your improvement should be relatively permanent. Although good results are expected from your procedure, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary. It is not possible to improve lax skin tone with liposuction.

If you are exploring the possibilities of an aesthetic upgrade, contact the office of Dr. Paul Dreschnack to schedule a consultation.  Call (929) 614-0368 or email  You can also schedule an appointment online at his websitte:


Known by many of his peers as "Dr. Sir. Paul " (knighted by various European nations for his philanthropic work), I am honored to forge a collaborative partnership with his NYC practice and the advancement of his therapeutic research projects.  

Dr. Dreschnack stands today as one of the top rated experts in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures, while representing the best direction for the future of our medical society. He is one of the finest advocates for global health and a leader in some of the latest procedural innovations. Where a 4x nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize might affect one’s ego, Dr. Dreschnack remains the same kind and humble soul - always engaging others with that unending passion for collaborative ventures. When he first toured my diagnostic imaging facility in NYC, we immediately bonded because of his passion and uncompromising creativity for advancing therapeutic protocols.  Our relationship was cemented around the joys of technical brainstorming and the common goal of making a difference in patient care.

Reflecting on his work in India, Dr. Dreschnack broke new ground in clinical intervention protocols. His surgical talents combined with his courage to overcome geopolitical restrictions made his international crusade possible, improving and saving over 30,000 children's lives.  For this, he is clearly recognized in the world stage and well deserving of it.


Having paved the way for the study of various cancers both clinically and academically, Dr. Robert Bard is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of 21st Century 3-D ULTRASONOGRAPHIC VOLUMETRIC DOPPLER IMAGING. He co-founded the 9/11 CancerScan program to bring additional diagnostic support to all first responders. His main practice in midtown, NYC (Bard Diagnostic Imaging- uses the latest in digital Imaging technology has been also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy.

Disclaimer & Copyright Notice: The materials provided on this newsletter/e-magazine article are copyrighted 2023 and the intellectual property of Dr. Paul Dreschnack and/or his associates.  It is provided publicly strictly for informational purposes within non-commercial use and not for purposes of resale, distribution, public display or performance. Unless otherwise indicated, sharing, re-posting, re-publishing of this work is strictly prohibited without due permission from the publishers.  Also, certain content may be licensed from third-parties. The licenses for some of this content may contain additional terms. When such Content licenses contain additional terms, we will make these terms available to you on those pages (which his incorporated herein by reference). This feature content and the digital platforms this resides in does not support, endorse or recommend any specific products, tests, physicians, procedures, treatment opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Referencing any content or information seen, published or shared by other individuals is solely at your own risk. The publishers/producers of this article reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, disable access to, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, all or any part of this Internet web site or any information contained thereon without liability or notice to you.

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